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About Felix

Summary If Felix is dead

Contact Info

E-mail: webspam@skeena.net


These are Felix's standard rates for the work he does. Haggling them is not considered impolite, but Felix is not very good at haggling (which may be favourable or unfavourable to you).

Felix reserves the right not to adhere strictly to this list — as the buyer has the right to ask for an explanation when something doesn't match up.

DNS registration/renewal & hosting (i.e. domain name only) *$24/yr.
DNS hosting only (i.e. user pays name registration)$12/yr.
Web hosting -- static HTML *$5.00/month
Web hosting -- CGI/perl/PHP/database *$17.00/month
E-mail domain hosting$10 per address per year, minimum 10 addresses
General labour -- standard professional rate$70/hr.
General labour -- educational institutions rate$58/hr.
General labour -- home/individuals rate$30/hr. **
Miscellaneous charges
Disbursement fees (if Felix needs to go shopping)5 to 10% of final purchase price
Cat5 network cabling$1/metre and $0.50 per end connector ***
* Includes one free e-mail alias if there's a domain involved.
** This rate is highly variable. Some people will pay it without question, others will pay it eagerly and tell me I'm a bargain, and still others will haggle and declare that I formerly charged less (which is sometimes true, but inflation happens, and Felix eventually listens if enough people tell him to charge more). Note: those who pay Felix this rate or higher will often get more immediate places on the calendar, as will those who feed him.
*** Opportunity for savings: Felix abhors wasted material; if you have existing lengths of cat5 to recycle, Felix will use them to make any needed cables and only charge for the ends. Felix tests all cables made.