is a hosting provider owned and operated by Felix Howe (né Marcel
Giannelia) of Terrace, BC, Canada. The servers (and Felix) are presently based in
Victoria, BC. is also the website for Felix's other business activities (mostly computer fixing), as well as some personal stuff.
Services Available
Felix can do nearly anything except fix dishwashers and eat eggplants.
- Hosting
- Web (including Perl/PHP/CGI/database)
- Website design (and construction)
- Web application programming
- Home Services
- Computer cleanups / spyware & virus removal
- Computer fixing
- Technical support / one-on-one lessons
- Digital audio & video editing, including DVD mastering
- Hardware installation / upgrades
- Data recovery and file format conversion
- Professional Services
- Contracted technical support
- Programming (in any language*)
- Network installation and maintenance (including cat5 wiring)
- Server installation & setup
- Remote monitoring / server maintenance
- Printer issues (reluctantly but competently...)
- Media digitization (documents, audio, video)
- Will travel...
* Give me a week or so to refresh if I haven't used it in a while; maybe a little longer if it's LISP...