use Digest::HMAC_SHA1 qw(hmac_sha1);

# usage: ./ <80-bit secret key in hex>
# e.g.: ./ 0123456789abcdef0123
# note: you may need to convert the secret key from base32 notation to hex

$key_hex_string = shift @ARGV;
$key_bin = pack( 'H2' x 10, unpack("(A2)*", $key_hex_string) );

$time = int(time/30);
$b = pack("q>",$time);
# on 32-bit systems, change q to L and uncomment the next line
# $b = pack("L>",0) . $b;
$hash = hmac_sha1($b,$key_bin);
$offset = ord(substr($hash,length($hash)-1,1)) & 0x0F;
$truncatedHash = substr($hash,$offset,4);
$code = unpack("L>",$truncatedHash);
$code = $code & 0x7FFFFFFF;
$code %= 1000000;
while(length($code) < 6){
print $code."\n";