# find long paths:

import-csv .\D_manifest.csv | Where {[int]($_.FullPathLength) -ge 248} | export-csv longpaths.csv

# find files modified in a certain date range:

$from_date = (new-object System.DateTime 2012, 12, 15)
$to_date = (new-object System.DateTime 2012, 12, 21)
import-csv .\D_manifest.csv | Where {[datetime]($_.LastWriteTime) -ge $from_date -and [datetime]($_.LastWriteTime) -le $to_date} | export-csv indaterange.csv

# find files that are 100 MB or larger:

import-csv .\D_manifest.csv | Where {[long]($_.Length) -ge 100*1024*1024} | export-csv bigfiles.csv

# search for files whose names contain "_i.php" (uses select-string because
# csv parsing unnecessary):

select-string .\D_manifest.csv -pattern "_i\.php" | %{ $_.line } | Out-File -Encoding ascii -FilePath searchresults.csv

# note: this last one can search multiple CSV files at once; select-string
# supports wildcard filenames like *.csv

# find total size of all files in E:\Shares\Misc:

# (special note: normally, the powershell escape character is `, but in regexps
# it's \, except if what you're trying to escape is a dollar sign; then '\$'
# doesn't work and the escape sequence is '[$]'.)

# takes 3 minutes:
$sum = 0
import-csv .\E_manifest.csv | foreach-object { if ($_.FullName -match "E:\\Shares\\Misc") {$sum += [long]$_.length} }

# takes 1.5 minutes:
$sum = 0
select-string .\E_manifest.csv -pattern "E:\\Shares\\Misc" | %{ ($_.line -match '^"[^"]+","([^"]+)"' | out-null); $sum += [long]($Matches[1]) }

# takes 1 minute:
$sum = 0
$reader = New-Object IO.StreamReader 'E_manifest.csv'
while(($line = $reader.ReadLine()) -ne $null) {
    if ($line -match "E:\\Shares\\Misc") {
        $line -match '^"[^"]+","([^"]+)"' | out-null
        $sum += [long]($Matches[1])